
Get an overview of registrations

Use the RIMS system. Get an overview of the status of registrations of medicines, food supplements, cosmetics, medical devices. Keep track of sequences, products, active ingredients, package inserts, box designs, promotional items, etc.


Set responsibilities

Create company branches, establish staff, set responsibilities.


Track changes in clearance

Set up the mailing of alerts that works for you.


Need specific functionality?

Functionality is created using the Orgnes workflow engine. Any additional functionality can be created by setting it up on the fly without the need for user reinstallation. Easy, fast.


Pay only for what you use

Buy a perpetual license or rent the system. Use your own hardware, or run the system from our cloud.


Autorem webu je společnost Human Ways. Tato společnost se zabývá vývojem software eCTD Editor, dále RIMS - Regulatory Information Managemenet System, software na výrobu léčiv Orgnes a software na formalizaci řízení dle GAMP - Síť vztahů.


Ochranná známka

eCTD Editor® je kombinovaná ochranná známka vlastněná společností Human Ways, s.r.o. evidovaná Úřadem průmyslového vlastnictví České republiky pod číslem registrace 324409.